I wish I could take you out to coffee and hear what's going on in your creative career/life, so here's the next best thing.
Career Design Coffee Hour with Chris
Meet me on zoom to have a chat over coffee (or tea! or grapefruit juice… you do you!) and let’s talk about your thoughts, dreams, upcoming projects, existential questions.
This is an open community call, a chance to meet with other creatives, freelancers, musicians, and artists and help support each other along the way.
Saturday March 25, 12-1pm ET.
Completely free. (BYO Beverage:)
As always, I'm here to try to help you design your career to be more sustainable and in line with how you actually like spending your days on this planet.
You can sign up for this career design coffee hour by clicking the button below. Whether you just want to catch up, or nerd out about career design, I’m excited to see you there!