Your quality of life is shaped by the people you surround yourself with.
During this call, we’ll spend time:
noticing who you are most connected to
being deliberate about building healthy collaborations and partnerships
sharing and workshopping our unique situations
This hour-long, members-only call is a part of our series: Project Strategy Calls: Finding Your Next Step
These calls are not only dedicated time to talk with the group about your project, that big upcoming decision, career confusion, etc, but also time to practice Career Design as part of your regular routine.
Friday Calls include:
a prompt to warm us up (10-15 min)
group conversation about the state of our projects
Q&A time where any of you can bring a question/or challenge, and get support from me and the group.
Project Strategy Calls are accessible to members of the Creative Mapping Circle.
Curious? Read about the membership here.