Workshops & other events

The Reason Everyone Burns Out…

That's one of the topics I covered in June.

Every Monday in June I hosted a 15-minute mini workshop, open to the public. Why 15 minutes? Because these mini-workshops are about building a doable, resilient routine. See how much you can shift in just 15 minutes.

You can read more about those mini-workshops below. If you want to be the first to know of the next workshop/event/series I highly recommend signing up for the email list by clicking here.

Want to see what one of these mini-workshops was like? Some of my favorites are available on YouTube:

I uploaded those sessions because life feels hard right now for lots of us. I know there are days that I feel like lying in the fetal position on the floor. So, if there's any way I can help you move even 1% closer to feeling like your days are sustainable, I want to do that.

Oppressive systems are so often the default state of things. Now, more than ever, we need a world where we as creative people are deeply aligned with our core values. As the saying goes: "if you don’t design your life, someone else will design it for you" (Javan Bernakevitch). I sincerely hope that by subscribing to the Creative Mapping Project on YouTube, you get a little bit of relief.

Mini-Workshop Schedule

  • June 6, 2022 (6:30pm ET): What Do I Do When Money Is Tight

  • June 13, 2022 (6:30pm ET): The Reason Everyone Burns Out

  • June 20, 2022 (6:30pm ET): How To Be Ready for the Unexpected

  • June 27, 2022 (6:30pm ET): The One Thing That'll Make The Biggest Difference In Your Life

This series of events has already passed. Missed out on the mini workshops but curious about the content? Get in touch and let’s figure out a way to get Creative Mapping into your life. Or, if you’re ready to take the plunge sign up for the membership.

Each of these mini workshops is designed to give you a single, immediately-useable prompt connected to this thing called the Eight Forms of Capital.

If you've been following me a while, or you're a member of the Creative Mapping Circle, you've already heard me nerd out about the Eight Forms of Capital. Here’s what it looks like:

Why is this idea helpful?

Every time you say yes to something, whether it's going to grad school or getting a dog, choosing what to eat for lunch or breaking up with your boyfriend, there is a cost.

Usually this cost involves multiple forms of capital.

And, hopefully, you're receiving back multiple forms of capital as well. 

Every interaction, every project, every relationship, is a trade. Not only that but most people don't even have a clear idea of what they're actually trading or whether the resource exchange is actually benefiting them. 

That’s exactly why I’m offering these bite-sized workshops for an unbeatable price.

Think you may be interested?

I'm actually doing 2 of these mini-workshops per week. But only the Monday ones are public.

Wednesday mini-workshops are for Creative Mapping Circle members only. And members get access to recordings of all workshops as well!

Memberships are open to anyone who is interested in designing a sustainable and fulfilling creative career.

For $45/month (or $450 a year, which is ~$100 off!) you can join a vibrant community, get the guidance and space you deserve, and design a creative life that helps you respect your needs.

So, you can sign up for an individual Monday workshop or you can become part of a vibrant community of like-minded creatives designing sustainable and fulfilling careers.

Need to talk before deciding whether it’s a good fit?

You can always reach out and schedule a call or send an email.