I help artists, musicians, and other creative project-makers design balanced, sustainable careers and lives.
Permaculture* design mapping for your career ecosystem.
Personalized career design. Book a call today by clicking here.
Map your project, design your practice.
A custom journey through sustainable project design for your program members, team, or cohort. Join the membership today.
“ So nourishing and energizing! Chris’s enthusiasm for whole-human values, growth, and sustainability are very contagious.
“I walked away with more clarity than I have felt in years regarding where I should be putting my time, energy, and efforts when it comes to my career. It’s f***ing great and you should do it!”
“I’d recommend this work for anyone who is unwilling to compromise the well-being of their soul for their career goals.”
What the heck is Creative Mapping?
There’s a long answer to this question, and I’m working on the essay-length version. But here’s the short version:
You know those folks (aka. you and me) who are brave/crazy enough to try going all in on doing their creative work in the world?
A lot of us just assume that sacrificing our quality of life is just part of the cost of following our creative visions.
Creative Mapping is a set of capacity-building and awareness tools that help us both do our unique and important creative work in the world AND feel like our lives are getting healthier year by year.