Career Temperature Check

Let’s look at your career’s health.

You’re good at what you do.

Let’s make sure that your work is sustainable for you.

The Career Temperature Check is a guided, monthly practice that helps you check in with the health of 3 critical aspects of your career:

  1. What You Have (Your 8 Forms of Capital)

  2. What You Want (Your Core Values)

  3. What You Do (Your Primary Projects + Activities)

“These maps are very useful anchors to help get me back on track with where I need to be directing my energies.”
— A participant from last year's Mapping Your New Year Workshop

Observing these three categories will help you see what’s working well, identify weaker areas, and gain a holistic perspective on the health of your career ecosystem.

The First Step in a Good Design

Whether it’s your career or your garden, the first stage of healthy, sustainable design is observation.

Permaculture designers say that before you start making changes on the land you’re stewarding (eg. building your house, homestead, garden, etc.), you should ideally pitch a tent, and spend an entire year just observing the patterns of all that is already there.

Once you’ve got the big picture, once you know what the plants, animals, water, wind, sun, shade, and other elements are like throughout all seasons, then you can make a plan to build something new.

It’s the same with your career.

Career Temperature Check Workshop

Do you have a way of checking in regularly with all the elements in your career ecosystem before you make design changes?

The Career Temperature Check is a simple, effective practice to help contextualize your stronger and weaker areas, so that you can make sure you’re building projects that feel fulfilling and become more sustainable for you as time goes on. An hour and a half of deep observation now could make all the difference a month, a year, a decade from now. Your future self thanks you!

On February 10, 2024, The Career Temperature Check is open to the public.

Join a community of creatives striving for balance in their careers at this 1.5 hour workshop from the comfort of your favorite device. You will need access to Zoom and you might appreciate having paper and writing utensils on hand.


Can’t make it? Curious about other workshops + tools?

For just $45 you can join The Creative Mapping Circle.

The Creative Mapping Circle is your all-access pass to CMP workshops, Practice Sessions, and community forum. You can participate in live events and watch past ones, including this workshop. Join a community of project-makers, creatives, and small business owners creating healthier, more regenerative systems to balance their careers and lives.


Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at chris[at] and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!